Who wants a clean slave?
Imacculate, who covers herself with her victim's blood.
Like the Hindu goddess Kali, who can defeat demons in that acid world where even the most powerful gods run screaming.
It's time to forget about boring "concepts". Time for immaculate conceptions with a few little bloodstains.
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Nobody saw me enter and perhaps nobody will see me leave.
I wished that i could share my fears.
I hear the souls whispering.
They are calling me. Even as i crouch in the dark and hope for invisibility. I know that they sense my being, watching me through blind, cold, dry eyes.
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Your plunge into black depths will fill withe ecstasy and terror.
I open the window less and less and hide even more in the darkest corner.
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Transit of the Seven Gateways.
Lacking the last garment (the last of the Seven Veils), Salome, the Priestess who will become Goddess.
The ceremony for the eternal return.
The sacred drama of the life, death and resurrection of the God of fertility, and of the long journey, the Goddess makes to the Underworld in order to bring him back to life.
Only then will the winter be over and the life - force begin to break through the soil.
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I returned to the Lighthouse, to paint the sea. While digging in my bag for my pencils, i dropped the storm lantern which had lid my way. It was at that moment that i heard it.
Like the devil's heartbeat itself.
While i stood there, into the chilling darkness, my head began to spin. The throbbing pulse begin to change. A new sound filled my head. It was a song, a rhyme. Over and over, and over again.
I couldn't locate the source of the sound, and groped about for the cave walls. that was when the marking appeared, from out of the gloom. The walls were patterned with a regular and uniform decoration. It throbbed in time with the sound and i felt...
I heard footsteps coming up. Then silence. I didn't move for fear of scaring myself, but i was also frozen with the being who stood near me... All i had to do was to close my eyes and start dreaming.
Heroes, Druids and Damsels came face to face with the Lord of Night.
When i was younger, it was always easy to find a pathway into the dark side.
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Endless legends, lost, revolting in time.
Heroes, Druids and Damsels came face to face with the Lord of Night.
When i was younger, it was always easy to find a pathway into the dark side.
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Bursting suddenly from the unplumbed depths.
Enigma, perhaps a monster.
No way to tell if it's reality or illusion, or even whether exists.
I can call him MERROWS, like the Irish people of the sea.
I can fear him, as the Greek feared THANATOS.
I can worship him as the Templar worshiped BAPHOMET.
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It's coming for me!
I hear the sentry crashing through the undergrowth.
It knows where i am. It knows i tried to flee; yet i am trapped here... There is little time left for me.
Why didn't i listen more closely to the whispers? Were they a warning or an instruction? Were they the voices from ghosts of the past?
They have been waiting for so long... Waiting to be awoken once more.
Their hunter approaches me... my time is almost over...
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From the masks of the Greek theatre,
From the photos of Phantom of the opera,
Sometimes through a lie you can arrive at beauty. Not an ordinary beauty, but the beauty of axcess and fear.
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Why don't i listen? The message was left embedded in my soul. He was one of many, the only who liked to feel the pain, he inlict. Taking what was once good and pure and miraculous, and abuse it.
The lines are clear to me. The Seal is cracking, the future opens. I see... He lays waiting, watching us in the forgetting cage that has bocome his prison. His temple was forgotten. Soon he 'll send forth his fiends and begin the hunt again...
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I was locked up inside the basement's basement.
It was so small and dark and i was so afraid.
I dropped my precious toy. But i will never, ever go back there...